
Industri dilayanan

Otomatis Bagian

The GM20-180SH micro DC motor can be used in a variety of applications in the automotive field, including: 1. Automobile power sunroof and power window system: DC motors are usually used in automobile power sunroof and power window systems, the motor can achieve fine control and good power output in order to quickly and stably open or close the window or sunroof. 2. Hiji korsi Moto: Dina sababaraha modél, motor DC Roti ogé tiasa dianggo ngendalikeun jangkungna, sudut, sudut tempat sareng kerjumputan payun, dukungan lumbar sareng aspék tempat anu sanés pikeun kanyamanan supir sareng panumpang. 3. Sistem Ginder Mobil: GM20-180s DC Moto ogé tiasa dianggo pikeun nyubaran otomatis Gambar Pobil, supados tiasa disesak sareng laju badut sareng laju anu béda sareng gancang. 4. Automobile conditioning system: DC motors can also be used in automotive air conditioning and heating air conditioning systems to control parameters such as air flow and temperature changes. Dina hiji kecap, gm, gm280st Gageta DC motor lumpuh dianggo dina widang Autrotif. Their high efficiency, low noise and long life make them very suitable for use in automotive electronic equipment to improve the overall performance and comfort of the car.
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